Sunday, June 05, 2011

HPT is a BFN on 10dp3dt :(

I feel like a foolish moth, with it's wings broken, after repeatedly flying into the damn glass pane, in hope of getting to the light.

Even though, I have been thru many 2wws over the years, the disappointment of a bfn is still hard to bear. The disappointment feels like grief of lost, that starts from the centre of my heart and radiates out across my chest and into the pit of my stomach.

Tomorrow, I will get my bloodwork done just to give it a closure. I really wish that one of these 2 embryos could be my baby. IF only this could be true...


  1. So sorry to hear about your HPT.... I know exactly how you feel after my BFN a few days ago. It's a huge and heart-wrenching loss :(( Love always xoxo

  2. hugz... dont know what to say. Just hope you will stay positive as you always are. You are a strong lady and trust God whom you believe in, whom has made plans that are good for you.

  3. Hi, Found you through cyclesister and so sorry to come and see your news. Looking at your history I guess that, though it is still pretty early, you know whether the test is right or not.

  4. :( I am so sorry! Every time I pee on a stick I am so positive - this is the time I see two lines!! So sorry!

  5. Here from LFCA and wanted to offer support. I know how hard those BFN's can be....*hugs*

  6. Ugh... So very sorry :( Thinking of you.

  7. I'm so sorry, tinted. GAH! So unfair. I'm thinking of you and sending you lots of love and support. xo.
